Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hate Me!!! Sushi Again!!!

Why am I think about sushi so much recently? It's all because of this poor little poodle named sushi!!! Let me tell you a story...

One beautiful morning, I went to have breakfast with some friends at a local kopitiam. That area have some stray dogs. One of the friend told me that she scared of it. She even try to avoid it, hidding from it. I thought that she might be animal phobia. In fact, she is not! She is a dog lover herself, owns a terrier as pet. Her case, is very common. In fact, most of the people will act just like she did. She loves dogs, but she just scared of stray dogs. No pun intended, I do not mean to talk anything bad about her.

My main question is, why people care so much about Sushi? It's case is just a mild case compare to those which were even worst. How about the dog which being pour hot oil? How about those in the pounds let hunger till dead? How about...? Just a mild case of a cute poodle being tortured.

This is normal! Let say, if you saw an UFO lady fall down, some might not even borther. Generally, not because they are not kind enough. They just scared! They think too much! Let say, if a pretty sexy young lady fall down, a lot of people will go and help her. I know, lots of people will hate me for saying it. As an UFO lady myself, I do feel it, admit it, and face the fact. This is the reality where people will fight for this cute poodle, but they won't care much about those other strays which suffers greater than Sushi did.

People, lets just face it! Have a better and positive view on this issue. People starting to aware of animal wellfare. Sushi's case has broght every people into the attention. We started to aware, not every pet lovers do really love pets at all! How many pet lovers would love animals until they do so much research on the animals? (I do have one friend, her FB is the Animal Planet Channel, I really respect her a lot. A true animal lover.)

Here is my other example:
Me: what animal you like most?
XXX:  tiger
Me:  O_O"""
Me:  LOL
Me:  weird
XXX:  i want to have one in my house
XXX:  here, only rich politicians have tiger in house

Look, I do really pissed off by this friend. Let it be some kind of missunderstanding between us. Owning a tiger just because only rich people able to own one? It's kind of remind of of this Doreen Loo. She owns so many cute pedigree dogs. And she takes pride of her dogs all able to stand up straight. To be able to have a dog like that, she allows her crazy ex to do the monsterouos training by violance. Tell me, where is the love?

True love, is not about wanting, it's about giving! Love it, give it happiness. It's like a relationship, some people keep on saying, want this want that, but why not, just think about what you can give.

I trained Lady Gaga to shake hand for almost a month. I'm not sure it still remember the trick or not. Training takes patient, lots of love, lots of courage. To clear things up, i think those who own pet but scared of strays are way better than those who owns pet and want something from their pets. Because they still have love in their heart. Because they love this cute little poodle, they fight for its right. That is what they can do for this poor little poodle. Love is giving!

For those friends out there, sorry if my post offended you. Who doesn't love cute dogs? I do love cute dogs too (In fact, I would show more to the strays, you know what I mean. People who know me will know about it.) And we do know, there's a lot of reasons for people to scared of strays, we all understands that. Give some love! Peace!

PS/ Friend, if you love a tiger, you won't want to keep it in your house as pet! You will want it to run free and wild in the jungle and roar in its pride!

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